Well all I am now 3 weeks away from getting on a plane to head home so I thought I would post pictures of my school, a bit of Kuwait oh and Hockey night in Dubai...yes there is a hockey rink for all of the Canadians that are here. when it is 40 degrees outside a hockey rink is freezing, but it was great to go watch a game. Oh and I had my 31st birthday in the Middle East too, I will make sure that I get some photos of that night here too.
The school here in Dubai is massive, it however is not yet on google earth, they are about 2 years behind in filming here so I can not give you a link to see it there. The school is in Festival City and there is an amazing golf cours
e (it is a Canadian company) the Four Seasons is a PGA quality course and I have had the pleasure of golfing it a few times this year. Anyway back to the school, the campus is massive with lots of room to expand, it is very modern and 3 floors of classrooms. Max class size is 25 but I feel that may change as the years go by and the cash flow becomes more, they will more then likely increase the sizes. anyway it is a great campus with an outdoor pool which I have made every effort to abuse the use of. My classroom is one of the biggest in the school I have 25 student computers, a interactive white board and we have just recently ordered about $25 000.00 worth of software for the use in the lab. I am really looking forward to next year to have these students working on everything. the school is a split elementary and high school and shaped like a V so that they try to keep the big students from the little ones to avoid confusion and fear. It is a great facility.
Hockey in Dubai is a bit better the beer leagues in Canada
but not by much, there are some really good players and some new to the game locals even playing. it was good hockey but the ice has a hard time staying cold with how warm it is here so the puck bounces a lot but hey, you are playing hockey in the desert, can you really complain? A few staff memebers play on a local team so we went to support them, plus they have really cheap drinks at the rink too. a double rum is about 4 bucks. heck of a deal...
I have a few pictures of Kuwait but will get more up, I just have to find them... it was a good time and quite surreal how quickly a city will rebuild itself and how you would never know that the US came in and made a mess of the place, it is quite a beautiful city. The roads are very confusing and like most middle eastern countries the drivers are all insane. The pictures i am putting here are of a resort that I was taken to and there is a ship off the back of it that is really stunning.
I am excited to be coming home, golfing and seeing my family and friends. I am looking forward to getting around to see everyone and thanks to everyone who has kept in touch it has really ment a lot to me.
I may post one more before I go so look for it, I imagine my excitment will only increase as the closer I get to June 13th.