Well it has now been a month since I have been back in Dubai for my third year of living here. It has been a very interesting last 2 years of life here. I have had some major ups and some downs but I believe that is true anywhere in the world you live in. I recall talking to my parents about the cash I was going to be able to put away and be back in 2 years with stacks of money and no bills anymore. Well, I have now been to 15 countries, had some amazing experiences and have about the same cash in my pocket as when I got here 2 years ago. The memories and life I have been able to see has been truly amazing, I would do it all again in a heartbeat to tell the truth. The good news, if you can call it that is that my travel bug at this point in the year is not really there. I have some opportunities to travel with my school this year and I think that is going to be enough for me. That may change the closer I get to holiday time but as for now I am going to be happy exploring Dubai and the UAE. Road trips are going to be a great staycation, that will allow me to see more of the country I have called home for the last 2 years.
On work side of life I have moved on from the IT teacher position here at UAS and am now a PE teacher, and not just that but I have been given the opportunity to be the Curriculum Coordinator too, it has been a great challenge so far! It is a kind of management position that has allowed me to see my strengths and weaknesses as a leader and made me stretch out of my personal comfort zone which I think is quite beneficial at times. I am excited to see how it is going to roll out this year, working with a staff and making sure I do not drop the ball (so to speak).
My rugby and golf is going to go really well this year I think, I am excited about a few major events coming up including the 7s rugby tournament, the race to Dubai for golf, I am going to be marshalling in that tournament, I am very excited for that!, and I hope to travel to at least one place with rugby this year, I have heard rumors that I may go to Hong Kong or Singapore but we will have to see if that pans out.
Overall I am looking forward to the year, I think this summer has opened my eyes a bit in the fact that home is not necessarily Canada anymore, it is not out of the question to come back and I think given the right job or opportunity I would be very happy to come back but for now I feel at home here and need to explore that further, I do miss my family like crazy and if it was a quicker flight over here I am sure it would make it easier to travel back there or for them to come here.
Well if you ever need a place to crash and have a ticket to get to Dubai, look me up. I do enjoy guests at Chez Hegge...
As I say every year, I will make every effort to blog as much as I can, but I find that as you live in a place longer some of the mystique tends to go a bit and life starts to happen again....funny how that works.