well it has been a few weeks since I have posted and thought I would send another post before I am off to Thailand for the break.
I have done a lot in the last few weeks, it has been amazing. I went golfing just outside of dubai in Al Rhash Khaimah at a course called Tower links, it was a tough course but the best part at 5pm when the lights came on. we played the last holes under the lights. it was amazing. very cool experience for sure. you loose the ball when it goes above the lights, but is very easy to find when it comes back into the light. I will post pictures of them soon!. I played alright, but I found that not practicing a lot you loose your swing fast. the positive thing of that is we are now getting a discount at the course across the street from our school where we can go everyday.
It is getting cool around here, at night it dips to 22ish and then during the day it goes up to 27-30 degrees most days. it threatened rain a few days ago but nothing came of it. we have yet to see any kind of rain since I moved here. it is a very weird feeling not to have any change in the weather then humidity and heat.
last weekend I got to be involved in the Dubai Rugby 7s. it was an amazing experience. there were 30 000 people there and hundreds of players playing. there was an international tournament as well as a social side that included 3 divisions of mens games, ladies games and old boys, but the new political correct way of saying this is veterans now...
It was 3 days long and I reffed 29 games, I was exhausted afterward but it was such a fun time, if you know a rugby ref i highly recommend that they come to Dubai to help, they take refs from all over the world. we had 75 refs at this tournament.
we got there at 8am and left around 11pm most days. this was one of the first tournaments that beer was not an option at the end of the day, we were way too tired.
well that is the jist of what has gone on in the last few weeks, school is amazing, the kids are wired for break like anywhere else in the world. the biggest difference is that most of the students are traveling all over the world at break. I am excited to go to Thailand for break, there will be tons of pictures when i get back I am sure!
I will be missing Canada big time at Christmas but I think this is a must do experience. Funny enough that I am missing the cold and snow, it still feels like the summer and I am not sure my mind can get around the fact I will not see much snow for a while. good thing there is ski dubai so i can get my fill when I need it.
well all I hope everyone has a very happy holiday, I miss everyone and look forward to even a quick e-mail to say hi!!
Merry Christmas everyone!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
3 weeks to winter break
Well it has been an amazing ride so far. thanks again for people e-mailing me to ask various questions, I really appreciate it. in 3 weeks I will be on a plane to Thailand. I can not believe all that I have experienced so far and I am only 4 months into this adventure. I have had some ups and downs, but luckily it has been mostly ups.
Since I blogged last I have been to Kuwait to referee a rugby tournament. it was unreal, a sand pitch that in the sun turned into a very hard packed surface that cut up a lot of the players legs and shoulders when they were making their tackles. I can say with confidence on that day I was happy I no longer play and just referee. It was an amazing experience and I found Kuwait to be very peaceful and very rich. There is a ton of money there, the homes that I got to see are Gigantic. Obviously we were only in the affluent areas but still very nice place. I felt very safe and there was an Erie calm about the place that a few people that I went with felt too. The driving is all crazy here in the middle east and Kuwait was no different. all of the traffic laws are more suggestion it seams, but it all flows well and I have not seen nearly the accidents that I thought I would.
So Kuwait was great, when I got back from Kuwait I had to go get my blood check done and chest x-ray. this is done for everyone who moves to Dubai but we for some reason got the opportunity to go to the hospital that all the immigrant workers get to go to. it took 11 hours for them to take my blood then give me a chest x-ray. it was so painfully boring, there was nothing to do but read a book and wait. there was black mold on the ceiling tiles in the HOSPITAL, it was eye opening. There were a lot of the Indians that were asking why us as white people were at this hospital. Apparently most companies just pay for the private clinics to do this, it costs a bit more but also gets done in days instead of weeks. it was wild. there were 1500 people that go pushed thought this hospital a day, so at $100 us dollars to get the work done there is a fair amount of cash being put into this system. they are obviously not spending it on the buildings up keep. HA HA. it was interesting to say the least.
Other then that there is not a lot going on, we are defiantly getting into a routine, the kids have a very different mind set here. I find if I do not yell at them to be quite they will keep talking till I get mad. I have tried a lot of different techniques and I am not sure what is the next step. I hear that this is just the way it is and to live with it. we will see, I am sure there will be a way we can sort this kids out. money can not robe them of respect....so I hope.
They school is getting better too, there seams to be great strides to fix the network problems we have been having. I am actually able to teach computers now and get on to the Internet for most of the day, instead of hoping every lesson I had that it would be working for the hour. Again, it has been an experience and I do not even bat and eye now when it happens there are always games we can play either on the computer or "heads up seven up" seams still to be a classic for students.
I will get some more pictures up soon too. If you have facebook you can add me there and I have a lot more up there too.
my e-mail again is cehegge@gmail.com
thanks for reading. have a great one!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Two months in now...
So it has now been two months....hard to believe. I have experienced so much and so much more to do. All I concerned about now is time and money...more the latter then the first, wish it did not cost so much to see all these amazing things to see. well good things come to those who wait...I can wait a bit. Anyway enough of the philosophy.
In the last few weeks I have experiences some amazing things. I have been on a road trip to sleep on a beach in Dibba, Oman. it was a great time, we drove out there almost by ourselves on the road. There were 5 cars that went and we had a blast leaving Dubai and driving into Oman. there are shops and markets on the side of road all the way there. They are selling anything from fruit, ceramics, water, blow up pool toys just to name a few things most of the shops around here, well the smaller ones all sell some of the weirdest stuff. It took about an hour and half to get there and it was an amazing sight to see, we pulled up to the beach, Joe (he had the only 4x4) let some air out of his tires and we packed all our camping gear in it and drove out on the beach and found a spot to set up camp. it was surreal, the fishermen were pulling nets onto the beach with huge 4x4s and we were sitting there having a beer watching them do their work. we spent the night and had a late night dip in the arabian ocean the phosphorescences in the water glowed when you moved to fast in the water. it was a very cool thing to see. 6am came very fast when it is 36 degrees in the tent after a beer or two, so we got up and had another dip in the ocean and packed up camp and came back to Dubai (it would have been way to hot to have stayed there the rest of the day.) (pictures are posted on the picasa site i have too...)
a few days later we went dune buggying in the desert. it was amazing, Dad well everyone would love to do this, it was a riot they even had big suspension so it was a very smooth ride out there. it was a 90 min ride and would have loved to have done another right after. it was crazy and a lot of fun.
I got a phone call from the local rugby Union and was asked i would be willing to go to Damascus, Syria to ref some rugby out there. I could not refuse a free trip so off i went a flew to Syria for a few days to hang out and ref some rugby. Beirut, Alexandria and Jordan were all the teams that came to the tournament and it was an amazing time. The old city is hard to explain it is super old. (1200yrs) and beautiful. there are markets everywhere that you can buy things very very cheap. I got a few Syrian things that i really liked, a rug and a very detailed and both hand made box. it was an amazing experience. I will post all of the pictures. if anyone has a chance to go to Syria i strongly recommend it. the people are very very nice, humble and giving. there was not a time where i did not feel completely safe, well in traffic I did not feel safe but as my friend Mohammad said to me inshalla.... (god willing) no one gets hurt.
I am really happy I have done this, I do miss everyone but this is experience that i could never have gotten by going on a few holidays here and there.
School is really good. we are now back from Eid, which is the fall break after Ramadan. The kids and teachers both needed it and it sure helps these students focus now till x-mas, so i am told. but find a student in grade 2 and 3 that stays focused for more then 2 min at a time and you will find a student who is older then their years. I still love the school but there are a few issues that would need to be rectified, but again this all comes in time and I have to realize that. I just want to put out a good product to the kids and myself.
well if you are still reading I do appreciate it. I will try to make an effort to do more blogging so that they do not get this long, there is a ton of information I left out about the trips i took, if you want to know more e-mail me and I would be happy to let you know more about the places I have been so far!!
well I will leave with the fact I booked my flight to Sri Lanka for Christmas....it will be amazing to do....and forsure will let everyone know all about it.
thanks for the e-mails everyone, keep them coming I do want to know what is going on back in Canada.
Curtis in Dubai!
In the last few weeks I have experiences some amazing things. I have been on a road trip to sleep on a beach in Dibba, Oman. it was a great time, we drove out there almost by ourselves on the road. There were 5 cars that went and we had a blast leaving Dubai and driving into Oman. there are shops and markets on the side of road all the way there. They are selling anything from fruit, ceramics, water, blow up pool toys just to name a few things most of the shops around here, well the smaller ones all sell some of the weirdest stuff. It took about an hour and half to get there and it was an amazing sight to see, we pulled up to the beach, Joe (he had the only 4x4) let some air out of his tires and we packed all our camping gear in it and drove out on the beach and found a spot to set up camp. it was surreal, the fishermen were pulling nets onto the beach with huge 4x4s and we were sitting there having a beer watching them do their work. we spent the night and had a late night dip in the arabian ocean the phosphorescences in the water glowed when you moved to fast in the water. it was a very cool thing to see. 6am came very fast when it is 36 degrees in the tent after a beer or two, so we got up and had another dip in the ocean and packed up camp and came back to Dubai (it would have been way to hot to have stayed there the rest of the day.) (pictures are posted on the picasa site i have too...)
a few days later we went dune buggying in the desert. it was amazing, Dad well everyone would love to do this, it was a riot they even had big suspension so it was a very smooth ride out there. it was a 90 min ride and would have loved to have done another right after. it was crazy and a lot of fun.
I got a phone call from the local rugby Union and was asked i would be willing to go to Damascus, Syria to ref some rugby out there. I could not refuse a free trip so off i went a flew to Syria for a few days to hang out and ref some rugby. Beirut, Alexandria and Jordan were all the teams that came to the tournament and it was an amazing time. The old city is hard to explain it is super old. (1200yrs) and beautiful. there are markets everywhere that you can buy things very very cheap. I got a few Syrian things that i really liked, a rug and a very detailed and both hand made box. it was an amazing experience. I will post all of the pictures. if anyone has a chance to go to Syria i strongly recommend it. the people are very very nice, humble and giving. there was not a time where i did not feel completely safe, well in traffic I did not feel safe but as my friend Mohammad said to me inshalla.... (god willing) no one gets hurt.
I am really happy I have done this, I do miss everyone but this is experience that i could never have gotten by going on a few holidays here and there.
School is really good. we are now back from Eid, which is the fall break after Ramadan. The kids and teachers both needed it and it sure helps these students focus now till x-mas, so i am told. but find a student in grade 2 and 3 that stays focused for more then 2 min at a time and you will find a student who is older then their years. I still love the school but there are a few issues that would need to be rectified, but again this all comes in time and I have to realize that. I just want to put out a good product to the kids and myself.
well if you are still reading I do appreciate it. I will try to make an effort to do more blogging so that they do not get this long, there is a ton of information I left out about the trips i took, if you want to know more e-mail me and I would be happy to let you know more about the places I have been so far!!
well I will leave with the fact I booked my flight to Sri Lanka for Christmas....it will be amazing to do....and forsure will let everyone know all about it.
thanks for the e-mails everyone, keep them coming I do want to know what is going on back in Canada.
Curtis in Dubai!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Week 5
Sorry all I have not had an opportunity to get the blog done till now. We are getting into the swing of things, settling down and actually having to work now. Well kind of, Ramadan is now on so the teaching goes from 8:15 to 12:45 but we then have meetings till 3ish most days. there is a ton on information to take in and try to get sorted out. We are doing a PYP program here, it is different because it is very student driven and inquiry based, it is very interesting but hard to change your mindset from years of teacher driven lessons to having the students push the lessons depending on what they want to know about a subject. There is always a theme to every unit such as caring or the need to explore but allowing student to choose how they understand that theme. make sense? well it is not as easy as that but it is the basic version of the ideas.
Life here is settling down, there are still things that make me laugh here. the traffic is ridiculous but you have to laugh or you would get so frustrated that you would not want to ever drive anywhere here. So I was thinking about a motorbike to have instead of a car at some point but with the heat and the drivers here only the very brave or very stupid drive bikes.....luckily I fit right in the middle of those two descriptors.
I do have to admit I have been homesick this week with a lot of stress that has been going on and would love to sit down to a BBQ at my parents place with good friends, family food and a beer. So when that happens this summer i will be a very happy man.
I have not talked too much about where i am living, it is a nice apartment....kind of. It is tile from front door to bedroom which is nice if you have a maid (which we do). but the tile was put down by someone who has just learned how to tile so that he can come and work in the country. it is shocking actually how poor the poor people are here and how rich the rich are. anyway the place is nice but quite basic, it is what we need for staff accommodation. the only thing I would have to say is it feels like we are back at the dorm rooms in University. lots of drama with 100 people living in the same building.
anyway I do not want to leave off on a negative note, I am very happy. please e-mail me or find me on facebook and say hi. I really do appreciate hearing from people to find out what is going on back in Canada.
Cheers all I will post more pictures soon!
Life here is settling down, there are still things that make me laugh here. the traffic is ridiculous but you have to laugh or you would get so frustrated that you would not want to ever drive anywhere here. So I was thinking about a motorbike to have instead of a car at some point but with the heat and the drivers here only the very brave or very stupid drive bikes.....luckily I fit right in the middle of those two descriptors.
I do have to admit I have been homesick this week with a lot of stress that has been going on and would love to sit down to a BBQ at my parents place with good friends, family food and a beer. So when that happens this summer i will be a very happy man.
I have not talked too much about where i am living, it is a nice apartment....kind of. It is tile from front door to bedroom which is nice if you have a maid (which we do). but the tile was put down by someone who has just learned how to tile so that he can come and work in the country. it is shocking actually how poor the poor people are here and how rich the rich are. anyway the place is nice but quite basic, it is what we need for staff accommodation. the only thing I would have to say is it feels like we are back at the dorm rooms in University. lots of drama with 100 people living in the same building.
anyway I do not want to leave off on a negative note, I am very happy. please e-mail me or find me on facebook and say hi. I really do appreciate hearing from people to find out what is going on back in Canada.
Cheers all I will post more pictures soon!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
week 4
Well it is very hard to believe it is week 4....wow. I am still having a great time and also very happy that I have started to settle into a routine. I have now joined up with the local refferee's society and will be reffing this weekend for a woman's 7 tournament. I have been told that I can also be a part of the Dubai sevens aswell and i am super stoked about that!! so I have to start getting in much better condition, running everyday I feel so that I can be at the top of my game for reffing.
Life in general is great, we now have a maid that we pay about $60 for her to come in 3 days a week to clean everything and do our laundry....how great is this place for that!! we have a laundry service for dry cleaning, the guy comes to our door and drops off the drycleaning. it is a dollar for a pair of pants and 50 cents for shirts....could you imagine the savings my father would have if he could pay that little...
I went golfing last thursday at a PGA quality course, it beat me up but was an amazing time, it is cheaper now that it is still really hot out...so it is only 100 for the round it goes to 300 when it cools off. We are going to try to get out a few more time before it gets cool.
other then that life is rolling on, not having a car is proving a bit of a challenge but I am going to hold off as long as i can before i get one. I want to try to live without for a bit and see what life is like without. Plus it would be nice to get some cash together before I go spending it all....see I do have a plan...kind of.
well that is all for this week. send me some e-mails and let me know how life is over there.
thanks all
Life in general is great, we now have a maid that we pay about $60 for her to come in 3 days a week to clean everything and do our laundry....how great is this place for that!! we have a laundry service for dry cleaning, the guy comes to our door and drops off the drycleaning. it is a dollar for a pair of pants and 50 cents for shirts....could you imagine the savings my father would have if he could pay that little...
I went golfing last thursday at a PGA quality course, it beat me up but was an amazing time, it is cheaper now that it is still really hot out...so it is only 100 for the round it goes to 300 when it cools off. We are going to try to get out a few more time before it gets cool.
other then that life is rolling on, not having a car is proving a bit of a challenge but I am going to hold off as long as i can before i get one. I want to try to live without for a bit and see what life is like without. Plus it would be nice to get some cash together before I go spending it all....see I do have a plan...kind of.
well that is all for this week. send me some e-mails and let me know how life is over there.
thanks all
Monday, September 10, 2007
4th week
This is Marc, he is my roomate. He teaches Grade 6, I will not say it to his face but one of the best teacher I have ever seen in a classroom.
So by the end of this week I will be here a month, it has been super fast...wow. I am still smiling, stressing sometimes but overall very happy. School is great, there are preps but we have more committee meeting to attend to get us up to certification and I am also helping rebuild the report card. it has been a lot of work already, but totally worth it. last weekend was the first weekend we had nothing planned so we took it easy at the apartment and had a few quite beers. It was nice to chill out and get into a bit of a routine. The bad news is they drained the pool for Ramadan. It is a month long religious celebration where by the Locals feast at 5 am then fast for the rest of the day, so they will not allow anything to pass through their lips when the sun is out. it is interesting but they frown upon westerners eating drinking or not being very quiet so they drained the pool so that the women would not show too much skin this month. It is not too bad, but you just have to make an effort to be a little more sensitive this next month.
All in all it has been another great week, I appreciate the e-mails and such from people, I will get up more pictures too you can see them on my picture site. I will post that soon as i can not remember it off the top of my head.
I will post more soon...

This is Marc, he is my roomate. He teaches Grade 6, I will not say it to his face but one of the best teacher I have ever seen in a classroom.
So by the end of this week I will be here a month, it has been super fast...wow. I am still smiling, stressing sometimes but overall very happy. School is great, there are preps but we have more committee meeting to attend to get us up to certification and I am also helping rebuild the report card. it has been a lot of work already, but totally worth it. last weekend was the first weekend we had nothing planned so we took it easy at the apartment and had a few quite beers. It was nice to chill out and get into a bit of a routine. The bad news is they drained the pool for Ramadan. It is a month long religious celebration where by the Locals feast at 5 am then fast for the rest of the day, so they will not allow anything to pass through their lips when the sun is out. it is interesting but they frown upon westerners eating drinking or not being very quiet so they drained the pool so that the women would not show too much skin this month. It is not too bad, but you just have to make an effort to be a little more sensitive this next month.
All in all it has been another great week, I appreciate the e-mails and such from people, I will get up more pictures too you can see them on my picture site. I will post that soon as i can not remember it off the top of my head.
I will post more soon...
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Week 3

Well it has been an amazing week, I rode a camel, went dune bashing in a 4X4 and sweated more at a pub then i thought was ever possible. the Desert Safari on Thursday night was nothing short of one of the coolest experiences that I have ever had. We rode a camel in the desert, watched and partcipated in some belly dancing and ate amazing food (a beer or two was consumed aswell). stunning experience, once it cools down I look forward to doing more of the same.
the pub we went to called the Irish Village was great, all outdoors and being 43 degrees we were all soaked...they have fans with misters on them but the were only good for about 3 feet then the water was gone in the air. good experience, very expensive drinks. We did not stay long and came back to the Apartment where we had a beer or two on the roof of the building in the pool... very good times.
we went on a beer run, this is like nothing I have ever experienced before, since it is not exactly legal to get beer we had to do a run into Sharja at a place called the hole in the wall, why you ask/?? because it is literally a hole in the wall that you walk upto ask for whatever you want and they give it to you in a wrapped black bag and you leave. it was interesting to say the very least. they call it the grey market over here, not exactly legal or illegal either.
the heat seams to be getting stronger as today it was horribly hot at 7amm when we walked out of the building to school at the humidity was at least 90% it was crazy hot, everyone was soaked in seconds leaving the building, the worst I have felt since being here.
The Kids are in school today, they are all great. I am suprize at the diversity and the range of the students. some are advanced for thier age and others are quite below minimum standards.....but all are great and all call me sir.....for now.
I am still smiling like there is no tommorrow and really like where i am at. everyone should do something like this before they are pushing up daisies I think....
thanks for reading more next week!
Monday, August 27, 2007
2nd week
So here it comes, the second week. We have been working on and inquiry based type of learning which puts the students learning more under their control and responsibility. It is very interesting and I am looking forward to seeing how it progresses over the next year.
Anyway not that you all want to know what is happening with my classroom but on the weekend I did get to tour the Burj, it is the 7 star hotel in Dubai.....one word....insane...it is beautiful, crazy expensive and very nice....in a gawdy way. there is over 2000 square meters of gold leaf in the building and wild color schemes that go together well.
the royal suite that we got to go into has it's own 3 butlers on call 24/7 and it is a mere 20 grand US a night to stay there. The hotel itself is amazing work of archetecture and will be one of the marvels of the world over I am sure.
We went on a river cruise on friday night and it was amazing, the AC died in the boat so everyone was soaked with sweat in an hour but the good thing is even the locals were sweating on board so all was good from where I was sitting.
We are starting to settle into a bit of a routine and the pool has definatly been a huge part of it. But being the Dumbass I am, I went out in the pool for 3 hours on thursday tried to stay in the shade and burned the hell out of my shoulders by not wearing any sunscreen, somehow it totally slipped my mind but the local pharmacy gave me some very nice cream to put on my shoulders and atleast i could sleep that night.
not sure what else to say right now, I should be making my classroom great and doing some research into what exactly I will be teacing these students but that will come with time and a lot of effort on my part over the next few weeks.
Anyway you can leave a message for me on here or post a relpy to what I have said if you so choose. or e-mail me at cehegge@gmail.com or find me on facebook and add me as a friend.
take care all,
Anyway not that you all want to know what is happening with my classroom but on the weekend I did get to tour the Burj, it is the 7 star hotel in Dubai.....one word....insane...it is beautiful, crazy expensive and very nice....in a gawdy way. there is over 2000 square meters of gold leaf in the building and wild color schemes that go together well.
the royal suite that we got to go into has it's own 3 butlers on call 24/7 and it is a mere 20 grand US a night to stay there. The hotel itself is amazing work of archetecture and will be one of the marvels of the world over I am sure.
We went on a river cruise on friday night and it was amazing, the AC died in the boat so everyone was soaked with sweat in an hour but the good thing is even the locals were sweating on board so all was good from where I was sitting.
We are starting to settle into a bit of a routine and the pool has definatly been a huge part of it. But being the Dumbass I am, I went out in the pool for 3 hours on thursday tried to stay in the shade and burned the hell out of my shoulders by not wearing any sunscreen, somehow it totally slipped my mind but the local pharmacy gave me some very nice cream to put on my shoulders and atleast i could sleep that night.
not sure what else to say right now, I should be making my classroom great and doing some research into what exactly I will be teacing these students but that will come with time and a lot of effort on my part over the next few weeks.
Anyway you can leave a message for me on here or post a relpy to what I have said if you so choose. or e-mail me at cehegge@gmail.com or find me on facebook and add me as a friend.
take care all,
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Here I am
Well all here I am, now for the next few years in Dubai. I am a very happy man and will try my best to keep this site going.
It is an amazing culture, the place I have to live is great (not a lot in it yet), My roomate is an Auzzie named Marc, good guy, into rugby and likes to have a drink now and then. we will get alone fine I am sure.
I have been here now for 5 days and seen soo much. The 5 star hotel is unreal.....no other way to say it, come over and check it out for yourself sometime.
It is hot but not unbearable, the good thing is everyone is sweating and you do not feel so bad.....plus on the good side of that it is a really good reason to go to the pool. we have met everynight around 6 for saftey meeting there...(no one moves no one gets hurt).
there are shops all around where we live, atleast 15 grocerey, hair dressers and moblie phone shops within 3 blocks of our place. there is also amazing food here, things called shwarmas, meat lettuce, french fries and cheese in a pita....they are awesome and super cheap.
there are a few incovinences but nothing to get your back up over and the driving is brutal, huge amounts of traffic and no one signals just goes....it is funny for now (till we get into an accident) which i have to say have yet to see.
going for a beer is not an easy task but there are a few places to go and it is good fun when we do go.
I will stop there but I will try to fire off more info as it comes in, I will also add pictures to this so that you can see this amazing place.
Cheers for now
oh yea, the school is great, the kids will be in in 2 weeks and class sizes are about 15......awesome!
It is an amazing culture, the place I have to live is great (not a lot in it yet), My roomate is an Auzzie named Marc, good guy, into rugby and likes to have a drink now and then. we will get alone fine I am sure.
I have been here now for 5 days and seen soo much. The 5 star hotel is unreal.....no other way to say it, come over and check it out for yourself sometime.
It is hot but not unbearable, the good thing is everyone is sweating and you do not feel so bad.....plus on the good side of that it is a really good reason to go to the pool. we have met everynight around 6 for saftey meeting there...(no one moves no one gets hurt).
there are shops all around where we live, atleast 15 grocerey, hair dressers and moblie phone shops within 3 blocks of our place. there is also amazing food here, things called shwarmas, meat lettuce, french fries and cheese in a pita....they are awesome and super cheap.
there are a few incovinences but nothing to get your back up over and the driving is brutal, huge amounts of traffic and no one signals just goes....it is funny for now (till we get into an accident) which i have to say have yet to see.
going for a beer is not an easy task but there are a few places to go and it is good fun when we do go.
I will stop there but I will try to fire off more info as it comes in, I will also add pictures to this so that you can see this amazing place.
Cheers for now
oh yea, the school is great, the kids will be in in 2 weeks and class sizes are about 15......awesome!
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