This is Marc, he is my roomate. He teaches Grade 6, I will not say it to his face but one of the best teacher I have ever seen in a classroom.
So by the end of this week I will be here a month, it has been super fast...wow. I am still smiling, stressing sometimes but overall very happy. School is great, there are preps but we have more committee meeting to attend to get us up to certification and I am also helping rebuild the report card. it has been a lot of work already, but totally worth it. last weekend was the first weekend we had nothing planned so we took it easy at the apartment and had a few quite beers. It was nice to chill out and get into a bit of a routine. The bad news is they drained the pool for Ramadan. It is a month long religious celebration where by the Locals feast at 5 am then fast for the rest of the day, so they will not allow anything to pass through their lips when the sun is out. it is interesting but they frown upon westerners eating drinking or not being very quiet so they drained the pool so that the women would not show too much skin this month. It is not too bad, but you just have to make an effort to be a little more sensitive this next month.
All in all it has been another great week, I appreciate the e-mails and such from people, I will get up more pictures too you can see them on my picture site. I will post that soon as i can not remember it off the top of my head.
I will post more soon...
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