Well over the weekend was the Desert Classic. I went on friday, got on TV and was in the local paper on the front page....not too bad I would say. We got there at 830ish in the morning and went on a trek to find Erine Els. He is not a hard man to miss as he is a large guy. I had no idea how big he actually is. we followed him for 8-9 holes and it was impressive to watch. He has such a nice swing, smooth and great attitude, nice and chilled out. he did hit a ball right over our heads on the 17th hole. He went for the green it is only 330 yards to cut the corner to get to the green.
I would say most of the pros did this. it is unreal to see how much better they are then the regular masses (me). we watched Ernie finish up on 18 and went to go find Tiger. We went to were the crowd was growing, on the practice tee.
It must be a kick in the pants for every other golfer at these events, no one really claps or cheers for anyone else lik
e Tiger. I have heard he is the most recognizable man on the planet, I can see it too. for him to walk on the range. the crowd went nuts, he waved and everyone settled down. The other guys on the tee box must have been rattled by this. Anyway it was amazing to watch is warm up and see how he gets ready for the day. We left the practice green early to get a seat on the first tee to watch the first few group before Tigers go out. So O'mera, Juimenez and Garcia were the three bigger names that went out before Tiger and it was great to see. They were not on form this weekend and did not come close to the leaderboard, although Garcia did go to -5 under on friday and Juminez played great, he is a fun guy to watch golf. Also Colin Montgomery was playing with Tiger on friday. They had some great banter for the day, it was a lot of fun to watch.
So on the second hole Tiger went for the green with a 3 wood, only 356 yard straight away...sick is all i can say. Luckily for me, he mishit and I got a chance to be 3 feet away from him to watch him stub a chip and do it again 10 feet in front of him. I guess ever great ones can make shots like me...ha ha. he still pared the hole though....I may not have done the same. the crowd was starting to get bigger and bigger so we had to start leap froging his shots, so that we could be close to see every second one. We did not get to see too many Tee shots from the tee as a lot of people camped out on the tee and watched all the golfers come through. On the 6th hole Tiger almost hit me with his tee shot so I was close again and to watch him hit a shot out of the trampled down rough, 180+ yards, up hill and within 3 feet of the pin is awe insipring. I am sure I would not even have made the green let alone attack the pin.
It was a lot of fun to be there for the day I do have to say by walk jogging around the golf course for 10 hours it makes for a tiring day. It was a lot of fun to watch Tiger and see the crowds go crazy for him. The one thing even tiger had said was the press photographers were getting annoying they would stand in front of him and take some weird pictures. The whole time I was watching the golf I did keep thinking though that I would much rather be actually golfing the course over watching people golfing the course. even professionals.
I do not do crowds overly well, especially tired so at the end of the day when we could not leave as there was only one way out that was 20 feet wide and 20 000 people were trying to leave at once. It was not a fun experice but again I was tired and kept my cool about the whole thing.
Overall it was an amazing experience and I look forward to going again next year for one day again.
I hope Tiger comes back..
Hey CurtisinDubai. Someone forwarded an article from the Calgary Herald that quotes you. Thought I'd drop you a line, I am also from Calgary and moving to Dubai next month. Very excited to go and always love to read what others are saying about the place!
Here's the link to the Calgary Herald article:
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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