Monday, October 13, 2008

Funny kids

Well I have not really talked to much about the funny stuff that happens in my classroom. Well for those whom have been waiting for said subject with a Dubai goes.

Me: "Class today we are talking about and drawing idioms"

Class: silence....

Me: "Does anyone know what an idiom is?"

Class: silence....

Me: "How about I say a few and see if you have heard them before"

Class: "That would be a good idea Mr. Hegge"

Me: "it is raining cats and dogs..."

Class: "Yea we have heard that before, what does it mean?"

Me: "It means it is raining really hard, that water drops are so big it is like cats and dogs..."

Class: "ha ha ha, that is funny"

Me: "here is another, your eyes are bigger than your stomach..."

Girl in my class: "not my mom, she had a tummy tuck and now her stomach is the size of her thumb cause my dad says she got too fat after having kids......"

Me:"Ummm......ok but most people have a bigger stomach than their eyes.....moving on..."

kids do say the darnedest things....

have a good week all...

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