Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Random thoughts...

Well it is time for a bit of a ramble I think. It has been a long time since I have done one so here goes. I have no idea where I want to go in the next 5 years... I know that most of us do not know what their 5 year plans is...but we are talking about me here so please if you have advise fire away. I have done the normal things like written down what I want in life, where I would see myself in 5-10-15 yrs. It is a bit of a blurry picture to tell the truth. Anyway, my thoughts have been interuppted in the last hour with meetings and such, I will get back to it now.

I like Dubai, I really do...the traffic not so much. It is a great city with a lot of things to offer a person in my situation. My situation if you wondering is that a single gainfully employed male, expat. I have had more reffing opportunities in rugby then I ever thought possible. I am very thankful for that. I have met some of the most amazing people that are driven, determined and have a desire (sorry for the aliteration) for life and exploring that rubs off on me. I have heard life stories that have been both inspirational and devestating to me. My only (well I am sure I can think of more) gripe in life at the moment is that I feel that I am floating with little direction. I do know I am the only one who can provide it for myself too.

I have been told that the early 30s for most men is a panic state, either they have committed to a life they are not happy with or have felt (as I am) that they wonder when the grown up in them will take over. I know that I am much more mature then I was in my 20s. I can sustain myself in life, I have a great job and some friends I can call on when I need a beer or to figure out the cosmos of life. I guess at times in life we have to think what we need in our lives and whom we need. I definatly think that has been happening for me for the last little while. I look forward to the day i sort it all out...ha ha.

Well I am going to go on living life and trying to sort it all out, I need to focus a little more on what will make me happy in life and where I want to be, I do believe that where I need to be in near family, I am grateful for this amazing experience but family is important to me and I need to keep them close. I not sure when I will be coming home, but I do think it will be in the next few years, lets see if that plays out or not...


1 comment:

Susan said...

I think you should consider reflecting upon this post in a new one. It might surprise you how you've changed.